Dale & Johan
Dale & Johan
The beginning of Dale's & Johan's Wedding Celebration.
As read by Leif Thorsson.

" We are gathered here today, from all over the world,
not only to witness the beginning of what will be,
but rather what already is!
The beginning of Dale's & Johan's Wedding Celebration.
As read by Leif Thorsson.

" We are gathered here today, from all over the world,
not only to witness the beginning of what will be,
but rather what already is!

The act of Dale and Johan's legal recognition
has many consequences, both social and personal. They have overcome many boundaries of distance and ignorance to stand here before you today.
The act of Dale and Johan's legal recognition
has many consequences, both social and personal. They have overcome many boundaries of distance and ignorance to stand here before you today.

So let the Ceremony begin! "
So let the Ceremony begin! "